Feature Stories

Go West Young Indian Nurses

[a version of this story appeared first on Outlookindia.com, the web product of Outlook Magazine, one of India's premier weekly newsmagazines that sells more than 13 million copies a year, and later appeared on YaleGlobal Online] [to Profile "Male nurses of...

Bolivia to Argentina and Beyond

Wrapped in a striped wool "aguayo," a traditional Bolivian blanket, Francisca Jollozo casts a vacant stare at the paint-chipped walls of her apartment, tears trickling down her weathered face. "Tell my daughter to come home," she said, anguish hanging on every...

History of the Armenian Genocide From One Generation to the Next

Siranous was 8 years old when her throat was slit by her own countrymen. The Turkish assailants left her for dead alongside the rest of her family, who perished that day. But the child was still breathing when a Turkish friend found her, wrapped her in a sheet and...

Nursing Shortage Looms in Britain as Nurses Seek More Money, Better Lifestyle Across the Ocean

Michael Duque, a nurse from the Philippines, expected to make more money and advance his career when he moved to London. Instead, he was demoted to health care assistant for more than a year before he became registered as an entry-level nurse. Today, he is considering...